2023 - A year of beginnings and endings
Isn’t it wild how there is so much of everything packed into one year? The good the bad, the heartbreak the ecstasy, the praise the blame…truly the material of a life.
Mindfulness for Teens : Navigating the Digital Age with Inner Strength and Calm
Amidst the whirlwind of smartphones, academic demands, and peer expectations, mindfulness emerges as a beacon of light.
Unlocking Nervous System Integration: The Healing Power of Yoga and Meditation
Our practice can be one of our main tools for “unsticking” sticky experiences in the body.
Serenity and Growth: the Magic of an At-Home Meditation Retreat
Embrace Stillness, Transform Your Life, and Nurture Inner Peace. A moving and potent meditation retreat experience, without even leaving home.
In the 7th and final chakra, we awaken. This awakening is a gradual process, a little awakening that takes place each day. Think of awakening as a gradual sense of wholeness.
As we enter the upper chakras, we move toward stillness. The sixth chakra is all about luminosity, seeing clearly, where we might all of a sudden say “oh yes, I see now.”
The neck is in the precarious role of bridging heart and head. Seaking clearly what our needs are, and how we are feeling, is one of the most challenging aspects of being human.
Underlying all the heart qualities is the practice of equanimity. We can define equanimity then as having a soft front + strong back. Loving boundaries so we can show up fully.
As we enter the month of spring and renewal, we can put more energy toward moving forward with fire. Third chakra : Your seat of personal power.
Whenever we successfully move an emotion through, we have a sense of clarity, lightness and freedom, much like the way it feels after a big storm passes through.
ChaKra One : Muladhara
Whether physical, thought-based, or feeling based, we catch that signal flip it into the light. That inflection point where we make a choice is where our freedom lies.
Meditation Series Preparations
Monday August 8 – Friday August 12, from 7-7:15 am cst, come sit for a mid-summer meditation series, live stream. All will be recorded. Here is how to prepare.
The New Lauren Yoga Membership
As the world heats up, I feel so called to provide a soft and steady place for us to land with teachings that interrupt the momentum of the speed of life.
Retreat : at home
Life pulls and pushes us, challenges and thrills, and this era especially has brought us to our knees...dare I say in both beauty and in heartache. Join retreat twice a year.
A Mindful Home
Make the bed every morning. An organized bed means an organized head. Open the windows. Air out that which needs a fresh perspective. A house gathers dust.
The quiet bliss, the flash of total contentment, hoping it soaked in, knowing a part of it will always be there, will it last? And then…there it goes.
Create a mini-retreat
Here are five steps to create a bit of refuge from the world, and an opportunity to create the conditions to allow your body to find it’s way back to balance.
Most days by 9 am I’ve had three servings of vegetables. It was a serious uplevel in nutrient intake to swap veggies for fruit. No rules, whatever is in the fridge.
On Transitions
It’s an illusion that life ever settles. So, we find our practice of return: yoga, prayer, community, church, meditation, medication, running, nature.
yoga + TCM for fertility
Created in collaboration with Emily Kuentz, L.Ac., experienced licensed Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist, this series of yoga classes supports women on their journey to pregnancy.