Deep bow to you.
Without a receptive community this would not be in existence.
Much love, many thanks.
Welcome. I’m so glad you’re here.
I believe growth happens at the edge of effort and ease. Through yoga, meditation and mentorship I’ll encourage you to both enliven and rest your body, heart and mind. I’ll meet you in the place where beauty and dignity join forces. However far you feel you’ve strayed, it’s my mission to lovingly guide you back home.
I share the teachings of yoga through the lens of my own humanity and how yoga has helped me remember over and over who I am and why I’m here. Although the details of our lives are different, we share in the same timeless “human condition.” It is my honor to stand on the shoulders of my teachers, and of the ancients, and share the ways in which yoga helps us live more comfortably in today’s modern world.
A student of yoga since 1994, and an instructor since 2009…
…I keep my studentship very close with the belief that the most effective teachers are deeply dedicated to their personal practice. I never stop learning, for myself…and for you.
In yoga classes expect both challenging yet accessible movement and restful ease, with an undercurrent of nervous system down-regulation to help you access the quiet place that resides inside.
In mindfulness meditation classes, expect teachings relative to navigating life in this modern society, and practices to help solidify resilience and mental freedom.
Full resume upon request for grant and corporate contracts
· Yoga Alliance : E-RYT 500, Jason Crandell + Yoga Teacher Trainer
· Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, University of California at Berkeley
· Certified Restorative Yoga Instructor : Judith Lasater
· Certified Prenatal Yoga Instructor and Teacher Trainer
· Certified Trauma-Informed Yoga Instructor
· Level One and Two Reiki Practitioner
· Traditional Chinese Medicine and Women’s Health Instructor
· Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
· Mindful Schools Instructor
· Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness