In Chakra 2 we move through the watery realm of emotion. Emotions are connected with movement, so we dance it off, shake it off, do yoga, exercise, draw, write…whatever it is you connect with that helps the body EXPRESS.

 A worthy inquiry for our second chakra is:

“Distinguish needs versus desires.”

 Needs are necessities, and desires are accessories, as Anodea Judith says.

 She goes on to say “make a list of the things you are wanting in life and decide whether they are needs or desires. There’s nothing wrong with the things that fall into the desire categories, but they shouldn’t take precedence over the needs. Just as we need to put gas in our car in order to drive, we have basic needs that must be met to ensure our well-being. Most of our negative emotions arise when those needs are not met or acknowledged, either by ourselves or another.”

If the unmet need is something you can give yourself, make that need a priority this year.

The second chakra get us in touch with emotion. One thing I loved about McKenzie’s new years vision board workshop was the suggestion to reach for the next highest emotion. Acknowledge what’s being felt for you, “this is anger.” How does it feel in the body? Then, maybe the next step is that the anger can turn into annoyance or doubt, both of which land softer in the body.

The purpose of this watery realm of emotion is not only to put us in touch with life, but to cleanse the soul. Whenever we successfully move an emotion through, we have a sense of clarity, lightness and freedom, much like the way it feels after a big storm passes through. We can breathe deeper, move more easily, and feel more present.

 It's this state of grace that we’re after.

 As author and activist Pixie Lighthouse says “may we get our knees, dirty making offerings for Grace.”





ChaKra One : Muladhara