ChaKra One : Muladhara

The chakras allow us to learn our own systems, to transform pain and connect with purpose.


This study is the art of moving from dark to light and light to dark. Pain isn’t always an indication something is “wrong,” but it is often a signal to move inward. Whether physical, thought-based, or feeling based, we catch that signal and flip it into the light. That inflection point where we make a choice is where our freedom lies.


I’m not always a fan of words like “detox, cleansing, etc.” Does this mean we are toxic, dirty? When working with “cleansing” the chakras, the healing and the cleansing is in self-forgiveness for the negative thought, the questionable decision, the mistake. Essentially, the cleansing is in being mindfully aware of the second arrow. If the first arrow is the unavoidable (the illness, the accident, the thing that went wrong) then the second arrow is the trip that we lay on ourselves when we are not feeling our best. The second arrow is the negative self-talk, the low self-esteem, the doubt.


The cleansing is the continual forgiveness of ourselves and others. Practice is a continual process of being with discomfort and when the time is right…choosing the light.


In Chakra One, we reach into ourselves for our source of safety and stability. This month in practice, we grow deep roots and over time...become our own well.

Name : muladhara

Element : earth

Color : red

Oils : frankincense, vetiver

Body : legs and large intestine




Meditation Series Preparations