Branding Your Yoga Business?

Welcome back to the Lauren yoga video blog. I want to be really clear about Lauren yoga. It's still a little weird to me that I use my name and then the word yoga after it. But my name is Lauren, and I teach yoga, and I have a feeling how it looks is going to change and evolve over the years as it already has. And the only consistent part of it is that it's still me. It didn't make sense to come up with some other name that might not be relevant and five years or eight years. So it's called Lauren yoga. I don't know if I'll ever get used to that.

I want you to know that I don't feel like I own any part of yoga, I'm not copyrighting anything, Lauren Yoga is simply the platform from which I teach. And so if there's parts of my classes (especially if you're a teacher) that you love and you want to take and make your own, please do. Yoga is for all of us, and all the ways that we artistically share it, and the ways that we creatively teach it and I think the more people sharing these messages, the better.

Thank you for being here for Lauren yoga...if I ever get used to calling it that. :)
