The New Lauren Yoga Membership

Updates to Your Membership

As time passes, I always look at where to refine, how to make things smoother, how to offer less noise but more impactful offerings. I am a fan of more potency, less filler. As the world heats up, I feel so called to provide a soft and steady place for us to land with teachings that interrupt the momentum of the speed of life.

I could make the Lauren Yoga app $8 and sell thousands of subscriptions, but I’ve decided that’s not how I want to do it. I’d have to water everything down to take that approach, and at this point on the path it’s just not what I want to put out into the world.

So I think about all of you. I listen to your suggestions, what you like, what has given you meaning. I look at the classes that nobody seems to watch, and I look at the ones that have been played thousands of times. I’m so excited to share a few new offerings, and also offer some consistency in your membership in the hopes it can help you plan as you know what to expect:

  • New Years and Mid-Summer Retreats continue.

  • Every February and every August we’ll have a 5 day live stream meditation series.

  • At the change of every season, we’ll have a 90-120 minute Quarterly Gathering. The first portion is community meeting, learning, intention setting, and journaling over Zoom. Then, we move to our mats for a yoga practice.

  • Monthly intentions are planned and outlined for the next year.

  • The first Friday of every month, expect 4 new on-demand yoga and meditation classes in your month folder that will support the theme. This, along with the live stream classes you know and love (and will continue to be recorded), will round out the month on intentional practice.

  • I’m going to share from one book in classes for a few months at a time. For August and September, the book is Golden: The Power of Silence in a World of Noise. It’s wonderful. Feel free to buy and follow along. I’ll use it as well in Quarterly Gathering.

Thank you. Much love to you. Without you, this would not be in existence and I am eternally grateful to be able to continue to do this work.




Meditation Series Preparations


Retreat : at home