A Mindful Home


Keeping a mindful home:

Make the bed every morning. An organized bed means an organized head.

Open the windows. Air out that which needs a fresh perspective. 

Load the dishwasher. Then unload. Then load and unload. Learn to appreciate the monotony of a task that never ends.

Breathe on purpose. A house gathers dust.

Pay attention to the present moment, non-judgmentally…none of which is happening on my phone.

Get moving. Govern my physical body so I keep the channels open and the chemistry flowing.

Discern what comes into the house. Curb endless desire.

Close the door and tell the family I need an hour alone. We’re mothers, not martyrs.

Rest when tired. Sharing food from an empty bowl only breeds resentment. 

Redirect my mind to words that help, not harm. Right now it’s like this.


Retreat : at home

