yoga for chakras

 Name: Anja (meaning “command center”)

Element: Light

Color: Indigo

Body: Eyes, forehead, pineal gland

Balanced: Clarity, vision, wisdom

Essential Oils: Clary sage, cypress, lemon


As we enter the upper chakras, we move toward stillness. The sixth chakra is all about luminosity, seeing clearly, where we might all of a sudden say “oh yes, I see now.”


Why must we become still in order to see clearly?


From Anodea Judith: “Just as a lake shows the perfect reflection of the mountain behind it only when the water is perfectly still, our minds perceive the reflection of our truth when we become truly still. We can pierce the veil of illusion and see the ultimate nature of reality that is behind everything. This is the true meaning of clear seeing.”

I’ll add to this that clear seeing is what the very last sutra of the Yoga Sutra tells us the entire path of yoga is all about. We learn to see with real eyes. In the same way that a lake reflects the mountain behind it, your personal world is a reflection of your own consciousness. If you want to see your consciousness, allow yourself to look at your life, but from a point of stillness. Even in the middle of dramas, you can stop, breathe, close your eyes, and remember that what you get caught up in is mostly illusion anyway.


Another way to say this from Hiro Boga, “I establish a focus for my consciousness that is different and distinct from the vibrational field in which the pattern to be transform exists.” Wider and broader vision and perspective is what we’re moving toward.


As we move up toward the center of the brain, also called the seat of the soul, some of you may have a spiritual awakening of some kind. This could happen by seeing something with new eyes, experiencing a profound insight, or receiving a vision of some kind. It can happen anytime, but what’s key is that we are getting still enough as often as possible for our consciousness to open. It’s imperative that we don’t fill our downtime by ingesting meaningless information. Insight from our practice, like the light of dawn, is often preceded by darkness. Darkness can often move us toward reaching into the depths of our soul in order to create a new reality. And remember, it is always darkest before the dawn.

The sixth chakra is also where intuition lives. Intuition is like a flash of light in the darkness, where for one brief moment the whole room comes to light. Again, we must be awake enough to our lives to know when that flash comes. If there’s a constant numbing out through addictive behaviors, we could miss that momentary flash of insight. It’s often that momentary flash that tells us which way to go at a fork in the road, and it can be life-changing.


Classes will include a lot of work with the eyes and brain, and at least 10 minutes of meditation.


Ways to balance anja chakra:

·      Our thinking is said to be 90% visual. Be more discerning about what you’re looking at.

·      Map out a vision for some part of your life, or for your whole life.

·      Rest, and be in silence and stillness 20 minutes each day.

·      Allow the people who feel like LIGHT into your inner circle.

·      Spend some time daydreaming in creative visualizations.

·      Name five things that inspire you and bring representations of them into your home and workspace.

Let’s journey, my friends.



