2023 - A year of beginnings and endings

Isn’t it wild how there is so much of everything packed into one year? The good the bad, the heartbreak the ecstasy, the praise the blame…truly the material of a life.

2023 began with panic in my body, and ended more grounded than I’ve ever been.

Began with a scary diagnosis, and ended with total trust in my body, and its capacity to heal.

Began with a certain picture of health, and ended remembering that we are living WITH our humanity and WITH our aging body, instead of trying to push it away. This has changed everything.

Began with a child under 6 feet tall and ended with him closer to 6’2”. The most beautiful human.

Began with a child unsure of a lot, and ended with her fully embracing who she is. 🔥

Began with a for-profit business, and ended with a nonprofit.

Began knowing we needed to communicate more, and ended closer than ever.

Began with a coffee addiction and ended with a nourishing matcha every morning. And better sleep.

Began with beautiful women in my life. They are still here. 🦄

Thank you for the gifts wrapped up in challenges. Thank you for this rocky and winding path. My 2024 bring lessons learned in love and joy 💕 alongside the usual 🙄 lessons learned from what feels hard.


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